Singularity University
I will be speaking on the 6th Apriil in Bangalore at the Singularity University "Achieving Exponential Growth with Blockchain" event.
International Blockchain Congress
Jason Fernandes will be speaking at the International Blockchain Congress this Sunday for a panel discussion on "Can ICOs be the new IPO?".
PayU Upstart
PayU has hosted 50+ UpStart events across India and their previous speakers have included Founders of multimillion-dollar companies like Urban Ladder, Citrus Pay, NestAway etc.
ACM Hackathon
Grateful to be asked to mentor teams of students at the 1st National Level Hackathon for Women organized by ACM-W and Oracle Software.
MoU Goa/Telangana & Goa/MAIT
Thrilled to be present for the signing of an historic MoU between the Government of Goa and Telangana and also between Goa and Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT),
Next Block Conference
I will be speaking at the NEXT BLOCK ASIA conference in Bangkok, Thailand on 24th and 25th June 2019- to learn more check out NEXT-BLOCK.ORG! 🌐